Hair Scissor Steel Guide | Hair Shear Materials

The major difference in Canada between an amateur hairdresser and barber, is how they are able to use their equipment, as well as the skill they use to cut hair.

Which steel is the best for scissors? How can I determine if it's worth the money?

They are among the most frequent inquiries you'll ask people. They seem like easy questions. But the truth is not so simple. It's the hardest element of buying good hairdressing scissors or barber shears.

What type of steel are my shears made of? What is the difference between a high and low quality hairdressing scissors?

How does scissor steel differ from other types?

  • The blades' sharpness
  • How easily you can be able to sharpen them?
  • Resistance to corrosion
  • The weight of the scissor
  • The fragile and brittle character of the blades
  • How long it would continue to

When you think about that, it is easy to see why you need to invest $300 in a great haircutting scissors instead of $99. If you're dealing with hair daily, it is important to invest in the top tools. As a result, it will last for a lengthy time and provides performance with accuracy.

Understanding the distinctions between the scissor as well as sand steel

It's not an easy task to find out a good pair of scissors for cutting hair. Different models and brands use different kinds of steel. What type of steel is suitable for hairdressing scissors or barber shears?

The quality of scissor-steel is measured by the Rockwell Hardness Rating, also known as HRC/HR. The HRC/HR rating is a measure of the strength and quality of the scissors. You get better quality with the strongest scissor blades.

Stainless steel is used to create haircutting scissors. They also have the Rockwell Hardness Scale measures the quality of the steel. Here's a list of the things you can expect from the best and most affordable haircutting scissors in Australia.

Hardness Qualitative Estimated Price
50-55 HRC Low quality, soft cutting blade From $50 from $50 to $199
55-57 HRC Blades for entry-level hairdressing From $99 from $99 to $299
Between 57 and 59 HRC The blade in this model is a mid-grade scissor. It is easy to sharpen, rust-resistant and more durable Between $149 and $400
58 to 60 HRC High-quality, medium to high-quality scissor cutter From $249 to $800
60-62 HRC 60 to 62 Blades of high-quality for cutting hair. Top quality scissors have this feature. Easy to sharpen, resist rust, tougher and sharper blade edge $299 to $1000
From 61 to 63 HRC The best high-quality hair cutting blade. Only the finest scissors come with them. $700 to $1500

Thus, a lot is dependent on the HRC aspect. A higher HRC means more durable materials, a more ergonomic blade, and a greater resistance to corrosion.

You must look beyond HRC when you decide between high-quality and low-quality hair cutting scissors. Quality and standards of manufacturing are also crucial to the efficiency of a scissor.

Let's start by taking a look at the most well-known steel names.

The distinction between quality and craftsmanship in haircutting scissors can be determined by the high-quality of the stainless steel.

The distinction between high-end and low-cost materials for making hair scissors is evident in cost.

We will then discuss the most effective material for hair scissors. Also, you will learn about the best quality steel used in haircutting shears.

Best stainless steel haircutting scissors

All kinds of hair scissors are made of stainless steel. Japan is the top producer of hair scissors made from stainless steel.

The Japanese steel offers certain advantages of using them on scissors. Japanese steel is extremely sharp and balanced to provide great ergonomics. It also requires less sharpening.

The most suitable Japanese steel to use for hair scissors is ATS314 and VG1. VG10, VG1 and the 440C.

Better metal means better blades

Japanese hair scissors feature sharp blades and convex edges. So, it requires hardened high-quality steel. This ensures the edge that is sharp remains for a lengthy time. In addition, you require little sharpening because of the hardened steel.

Better metal means better ergonomics

High-quality steel has a light weight. It is light in weight which means it won't put any pressure on your elbows, wrists and shoulders when you cut hair.

More durable metal means longer scissor life

The hair scissors made from top quality Japanese steel are much more durable against corrosion. Japanese steel can last for as long as 20 years or more, if they are well maintained.

Where can you find the finest hair scissor steel?

The following steel can make the most effective hair scissors.

  • Japanese steel The steel that Japan produces is the best in the world.
  • German steel - The top quality of an European nation
  • Korean steel - The finest in Asia
  • Chinese steel - Great quality
  • Taiwanese Steel - High Quality

The poorest quality steel is produced in India, Pakistan, and Vietnam. These nations produce sharp edges in hair scissors. They also require frequent sharpening to avoid breaking.

Top 10 Steel for Hair Scissors

It can be challenging to select the ideal barber shears because of the numerous types of metals. This is a list of the top 10 kinds of hair scissor steel , arranged in order of worst to best.

Steel Rankings Name Description
1 ATS314 (ATS-314) Premium Japanese steel containing Vanadium and Titanium in large quantities
2 VG10 Gold (VG-10) Japanese steel with premium levels of Vanadium and Titanium. It is ideal for cutting knives as well as scissors
3 V10 (V-10). A high concentration of Vanadium and Titanium, which gives an extra strength to hair scissor blades
4 V1 (V-1) For sharper edges in scissors, entry-level Vanadium and Titanium
5 S3 (S-3). The highest levels of Supreme Cobalt for sharp cutting edges
6 S1 (S-1). Entry-level Cobalt for hardened hair cutting edges
7 440C High-quality hair scissors made from Japanese steel that is hardened.
8 440A Normal cutting blades that are made of standard steel
9 420 Low-priced stainless steel for cutting tools and scissors
10 410 Steel that is not standard grade is not recommended for professional hair scissors.

Hair scissors are stronger and stronger than the ones made of Vanadium and titanium. They help make the scissors lighter, so that you can cut more easily.

Cobalt steel creates a blade that is strong and light. The blade is sharp and lasts for a an extended period of time. This means you don't have to sharpen it frequently.

Top 15 hairdressing scissors for steel

These rankings of the best steel are based on the quality, performance and the highest quality. It is possible to locate the highest quality scissor steel. However, we have listed the following depending on everyone's budget.

This is the best hair scissors made of steel according to hair stylists all over the world.

1. 64 HRC 1.64 HRC. V1

The V1 steel model is without doubt a top quality steels. This type of steel is employed by numerous barbers and hairdressers. The V1 is the follow-up of V10 steel. It gives the scissor enhanced toughness, crack resistance and more durable blades.

The V1 steel grades are used for cutting. This ensures premium quality. It's also available at the price of.

2. 2.

The ATS314 steel is manufactured by Hitachi Metals Corporation in Japan. This steel is used in the premium barber and hairdressing shears. Numerous brands talk about the ATS314-steel in their hair scissors. However, a few manufacturers utilize the iron produced by Hitachi.

This steel makes a high-quality scissor knife. It is extremely durable. Blades remain sharper for longer amounts of time due to the hardness that is superior. It's effective while handling a clam-shaped or convex blade edge.

3. 60 HRC: VG10 (VG-10)

Also known as V Gold 10, the VG10 is a different high-quality Japanese steel that is used in hairdressing scissors. Takefu Special Steel is its producer. The high-quality steel is suitable for cutting hair. It has anti-corrosion properties and prevents the abrasion.

The VG10 haircutting scissors have more sharp blades, such as beveled, clam or convex edges.

The VG10 version of steel is very lightweight and sharp. Furthermore, only premium quality scissors use this steel. But it's not restricted to Japan. Because Japanese metal companies are famous for exporting internationally,

4. 60-62 HRC 10.CR

Are you looking for an updated version of the 440C steel? If yes, then the 10CR steel is good for professional use. It's a lot like Takefu or Hitachi's VG10. Steel quality gives the ultimate cutting edge to scissors for haircutting.

The features include sharpness retention on blades, durability corrosion and wear resistance and price. To sum up it's a top quality steel used for barbering and cutting scissors that cost less than $1000.

5. 58-60 HRC 4. 403C

You can find the model 440C on popular brands like Yasaka. This steel offers a great combination of hardness, resistance and toughness.

In addition, you don't need to shell out thousands of dollars to purchase the kind of steel blades. These blades are sharp with a convex edge. It is a professional barber and hairdressing scissor.

6. 6.

Another high-quality steel that is used to produce high-quality barber and haircutting scissors. It functions in the exact manner as Hitachi's 405C and ensures that every scissor is a professional tool.

It features a sharp edge retention feature that keeps your hair's shears razor-sharp over many years. To increase durability, the steel is impervious to wear and corrosion. Additionally, the scissors made of this steel satisfies every hair-styling expert.

7. The range of HRC is 57-60 7CR

7CR 7CR is the harder variant of 4CR. The steel is extremely tough and is able to endure wear and corrosion. It also sharpens easily.

This kind of steel is great for cutting hair that falls in the middle of the range. In other words, it is great for professional hairdressers or home hairdressers and even apprentices.

8. 56-58 HRC: 420

The 420 steel type is softer than Japan's 440C. It is great for mid-level hair scissors. Additionally, you can anticipate an affordable price from this model of steel. It is still a great option for professionals.

9. 55-58 HRC: Stainless Alloy Steel

It is possible to use stainless steel for making hair scissors made from any type of steel. In simple terms, it's an unspecific term that doesn't provide enough information on the quality of the hair scissors that you purchase.

There are stainless steel products from several manufacturers in Australia between 55 and 58 HRC. They offer outstanding results. Additionally, you can purchase them for of between $99 and $200 which is much less.

10. 10.

Rare and unique steel made in Japan's Yasuki Silver. The S3 is well-known for its high-quality cutting blades that are superior with regard to hardness. They can be found in chef and kitchen knives. Also, you can get these in a few barber shear and hairdressing scissors blades.

The S3 steel blades are durable against corrosion and come with premium hardness. Also, they are ideal for professionals.

11. 56 HRC:

The 56 HRC is common chrome steel that is prone to damage, corrosion, and wear resistance. They are available in Japanese mid-level cutting scissors.

12. 53-56 HRC: Chromium Steel

Chromium Steel can be classified into several categories. It is located on German and European hair scissors. In the process of making entry-level haircutting instruments, popular brands such as Jaguar employ Chromium steel.

If you are in a pinch, chromium steel scissors is the best option. They are also very affordable. The sharpness is a good fit for blades that have bevel edges.

13. 13.

The 4CR14MOV steel model is identical to 4CR13. They can be found in most hairdressing scissors of the mid-level due to their accessibility.

Moreover, they perform well in this category and very popular with other scissor brands in Japan.

14. 53 to 55 HRC 3CR13

3CR13 3CR13 is a standard stainless steel variant of stainless steel that originates from China. It also shares some of the same characteristics with the AUS4 420J2 (AUS4). It's a basic steel used in producing common haircutting scissors for hair. It is better to not employ this kind of thinning shears.

15. 55 to 57 HRC 4CR13

The 4CR13, also known as 40CR13 steel is a standard-steel version. It is stronger and more durable like 3CR13 steel. It is stronger and can be used by the makers of scissor to make sharp convex and bevel edge cutting blades.

Are the 4CR13 steel scissors really worth the price? These scissors are as efficient as mid-level hair-cutting tools. This is an additional option for cutting hair without spending much.

Canadian scissors show the difference between high-quality and low-quality steel

All kinds of scissors are manufactured from stainless steel. It's uncolored. But, there are some quality levels in steel. This is what differentiates stainless steel from other kinds. The performance of the hair-cutters is contingent on the quality of the stainless steel.

A top-quality stainless steel scissor has superior performance over a low-quality shear. This is why the difference between stainless steel of high and low quality plays an important role in the overall effectiveness of the hairdressing tool.

In essence, the finest steel hair scissors you can buy is from Japan. Its Japanese stainless steel scissors have sharper edges which make it much easier to cut hair with precision. The light weight of the device aids in the ergonomics as well. In addition, due to the excellent build quality, the tool doesn't require regular sharpening.

It is impossible to find the same features in a cheap steel scissor. No matter if you're a beginner or an experienced hairdresser, having a high-quality pair of steel scissors is a must. The most well-known Japanese steel is ATS314 as well as 440C, VG1, and VG10.

The finest quality steel is more effective at cutting. This improves the cutting efficiency. Japanese shears use convex edge blades. As such, it requires less sharpening due to the hard steel.

Good quality steel provides good ergonomics. Not only do cutting tools made of high-quality steel are lightweight but they also feature an ergonomic design that is comfortable. Premium quality steel is generally lighter. This means that there is no pressure on your shoulders, elbows or wrist. This is extremely helpful when doing the haircut.

A high-quality steel material gives the scissor an extended life. Japanese hair scissors, that are made from high-end Japanese steel are much more resistant to wear and corrosion as well as other problems. This means that these scissors last for a long period of time. It is possible for a Japanese scissor to last from up to 20 years. It may last longer depending on how well you care for them.

Which countries make the best scissor-steel?

The highest quality hair scissors steel is manufactured by Germany, Japan, China and Japan. Japan is the top producer of scissor steel. It is the source of the hype around Japanese haircutting scissors.

Germany is the largest manufacturer of high-end chromium steel. Jaguar, one of the most successful scissor brands has a track record of producing high-quality hairdressing shears.

China produces high-quality steel in large quantities. They can also compete with Japan as well as Germany in terms of quality. Furthermore, China produces the best quality steel for the price for professionals.

Many frequently asked questions about scissor steel

There are a few frequently asked questions regarding hair scissors.

1. What type of scissor-steel would be best for me?

The most suitable scissor steel will depend on your budget. The best features are ATS314, VG10, and V1. Each of these could cost you approximately $1000. To get the most value for money you can focus on the hardness that is 58 HRC or higher.

2. What is it about Titanium steel scissors?

Many times, Titanium steel scissors can confuse. They are available as an color coating, or a tiny fraction of the fabrication of steel cutting tools. You must focus on the scissor steel hardness to get the best one to meet your requirements.

3. What is the best budget-friendly steel?

If you are looking to save money, the Steel 440C is a great choice. Steel scissors that have 56 HRC could be reasonably priced and have high performance.

4. What are the best hair-cutting scissors?

The steel's quality is what determines the difference in the performance of scissors as well as their cost. Quality steel is priced higher. But the scissors are more precise for a longer duration.

5. What can I do to avoid cheap or fake steel coming from China or Pakistan?

Pakistan produces the most cheap quality hair scissors and it is not advisable to purchase them. Chinese steel is available in a range of qualities that includes top quality and low-quality models. If you are looking to purchase hair scissors online, avoid Amazon, eBay, and Wish. Choose reputable websites which offer warranty and exchange. So, you can test the scissors and assess the quality.

6. Which is the most sought-after hair cutting scissor steel?

The most commonly used steel for hair scissors is 440C.

7. Which steel for hair cutting is best for professionals?

It is 440C. Japanese steel is the finest scissor-making steel for professionals.

8. Which is the best steel for hairdressers who are students or apprentices?

The 440A is the best beginning haircutting tool.

9. Are there hairstylists who are 100% titanium?

It is impossible to find a hair scissor with 100% titanium. However, there are shears that have 2 to 10% of titanium on them.

10. What exactly is stainless steel?

It is utilized in all scissor blades. There are various kinds of stainless steel, and the highest-quality ones can be extremely hard.

11. Which is the best metal for hair scissors?

VG10 or ATS314 premium steel for hair scissors from Japan.

12. 12.

The Damascus steel used to make hair scissors is merely a design. The steel hasn't been used for more than 300 years.

13. Is Titanium scissor, or steel, better?

Titanium enhances the durability and strength of scissor blades. It is possible to find Titanium in high-end hair scissors. Titanium blades are light and more resistant to wear than other blades.

14. What is 6CR steel?

The 6CR13MOV(also known as 6CR steel, has an 0.66 carbon addition element to the material. It is ideal for basic hair cutting shears.

15. 15.

9CR13MOVCO also called 9CR18MOV, also known as 9CR, is Chinese steel that is of the highest quality. It is found in the premium barber and hairdressing shears.

16. What is an Titanium coated scissor?

Titanium can be used to fashion hair shears. It doesn't enhance the sharpness or performance of the hair scissor.

17. Does powder steel make hair scissors effective?

Powder steel is a high-quality metal that is the result of an unique process. So, shears made from powder steel have sharper blades, corrosion resistance, and a lightweight appearance. Additionally, the Japanese Takefu VG10 and Hitachi ATS314 are comparable to the shears made from powder steel.

Conclusion: Which scissor-steel is best to use in Canada?

If you're shopping for a professional pair to buy, make sure you purchase the haircutting or thinning scissors that have an HRC that is around 60 (HRC).

The most commonly used type of professional scissor steel is 440C, and there are different versions (non-Japanese) of China as well as South Korea that provide you with a lower-cost professional cutting experience.

We would like to hear from you about the top hair scissors in Canada.